Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dinner is Served! Well, Sort Of.....The 2012 "Learn to Cook" Challenge

I was recently informed, much to my chagrin, that my long held belief that I was a good cook was just own belief. With no apparent basis in fact. This was not just one person but 3 who, some more kindly than others, informed that while I can cook a *few* things (meaning the same 4 dishes that are always my fallback when I don't know what else to do), I am for the most part a bumbling novice in the culinary department.

So, what does a competitive and stubborn gal do when told she isn't good at something? Especially something she wants to be good at? She asks for help. Enter the larger problem - I live in the middle of nowhere. There are no cooking classes. There are no real bookstores to buy cookbooks (sorry Tumbleweed....I really do love you, but I love the vast selection at Barnes & Noble just a wee bit better....). And when one does find a recipe, thanks to the wonderful world of the interwebs, it is fairly unlikely that the 7-11 sized grocery store will have all required ingredients.

Obstacles aside though, I am taking on this challenge.

Attempt #1, Lasagna - Successful except for the hand sprinkling the cheese being a tad bit light. Noted.

Attempt #2, Pork Loin Roast - TBD. So far I have been informed that even though the thermometer reads the temperature listed on the USDA website, if the pork is still bright pink then I need to put it back in the oven. When I questioned the point about the thermometer and the correct temperature, I was informed that , yes, I read everything correctly. I did however, probably need a lesson in using the thermometer :)

I guess I do need help after all......

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