Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Winter 2011/12 in a Nutshell

The Old Faithful Snow Lodge closed on Sunday, Mammoth yesterday, the exodus of snowcoaches coaches from Old Faithful was the sight of the morning...the signs that another long and unpredictable Yellowstone winter has come to an end.

We saw crazy road closures (boulders in the road, snow drifts as tall as me), no snow followed by touch followed again by none. We saw plenty of animals, heard plenty more stories, and complained just as much as usual when it wasn't snowing enough or when it was snowing too much, whichever that particular day called for. The snowcoaches got stuck, they broke down, people crashed snowmobiles and plenty of people hit the ground while learning to cross country ski. Most importantly, we made it through. All in all, another winter season to be thankful for!

Here is my winter in it's photographic nutshell...

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos! We've had next to no snow and I miss it terribly!
